Range Opening Times

Evening sessions start 7pm, mornings  9:30am, and Saturday afternoon 2pm. . Please see range opening times for which days the club is open.
No shooting is allowed on the outdoor ranges between 21:30 and 8:00 without prior agreement

10M Air Range: Only Air Rifles & Pistols under 6ftlbs may be used on this range

General Points

  • Your name must be entered on the appropriate sheet and the range fee (currently £2.00) paid prior to shooting. In the event that the Clubhouse is not open then the range fee must be recorded in the book in the 100 yard range and then paid at the earliest opportunity.
  • It is essential that all income be collected to pay for ongoing maintenance and future building or rebuilding projects.
  • Please read the separate page regarding range safety
The 10 metre air range can be used at any time that the club room is open. 

Range Opening Times

Volunteer range officers endeavour to open the range premises and clubroom at times convenient to the membership.   Typical opening times are as follows: Mornings 09.30-12.30, Afternoons: 14.00-17.00, Evenings: 19.00-21.30

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